Yu hong - lin , zhu chuan - xin and yang zhang - li 喻洪麟朱传新杨张利
Yu hong : because i can ' t leave you 于红:因为我无法离开你。
How a dyeing mine saved story yu hong , board chairman of huludao hongyue group 葫芦岛市宏跃集团董事长于洪救活矿山的故事
[ yu hong . chinese literary theories and western poetics . beijing : the joint publishing company ltd . , 1999 安哲乐: 《和而不同:比较哲学与中西会通》 .北京:北京大学出版社, 2002年
Had better be to have relevant file , my home is located in in yu hong north , if can tell me the specific standard that tear open change , better 最好是有相关文件,我家位于于洪北里,假如能告诉我具体的拆迁标准,就更好了。
Chinese scientists who analyzed the dna of the remains say the man , named yu hong , belonged to one of the oldest genetic groups from western eurasia 中国科学家分析了遗体(名为于洪)的dna属于起源于西欧亚大陆的远古群种。
Chinese scientists who analyzed the dna of the remains say the man , named yu hong , belonged to one of the oldest genetic groups from western eurasia 基因证据表明,在具有1400年悠久历史的中国坟墓中的尸体残骸是属于一个欧洲人的
Chinese scientists who analyzed the dna of the remains say the man , named yu hong , belonged to one of the oldest genetic groups from western eurasia 分析这具遗体的中国科学家于宏说道,这具古代遗体属于西欧人种最古老的基因组。
Chinese scientists who analyzed the dna of the remains say the man , named yu hong , belonged to one of the oldest genetic groups from western eurasia 分析遗体dna的中国科学家说,这名名为于洪的人属于欧亚大陆西部最古老的基因群组。